Why Cybersecurity needs to be a priority for the Critical Infrastructure ?
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems and Distributed Control Systems (DCS), which unfortunately have been subject to a growing number of attacks in recent years. As they deliver vital services to critical infrastructure, such as communications, manufacturing and energy among others, hostile intruders mounting attacks represent a serious threat to the day to day running of nation states.

Business Risk
Why Industry is a target for cybercrime
Cyber criminals only require a few expenses beyond a computer and an Internet connection. They are unconstrained by geography and distance. They are difficult to identify and prosecute due to anonymous nature of the Internet.
Give attacks against information technology systems are very attractive, it is expected that the number and sophistication of cyber-attacks will keep growing.
Cybersecurity in Critical Infrastructure is a priority.
Technical Threats
How Industry Is Targeted
The most high-profile example of a cyber-attack against critical infrastructure is the Stuxnet computer virus. The worm, which targeted PLCs, disrupted the Iranian nuclear program by damaging centrifuges used to separate nuclear material.
The challenges Industry is facing
Internal Resources
Breach Detection
Threat Landscape
OT Cybersecurity Skill Gaps
Situational Awareness
Experts Tips